Either Side of the River

"On either side of the river lie, long rows of barley and of rye, that clothe the world and meet the sky, and through the field the road run by to many towered Camelot...." - Lord Alfred Tennyson's, The Lady of Shalott.

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Location: Reno, Nevada, United States

Friday, May 13, 2005

On Halo...

I feel like people get the idea that all I do is sit around and play Halo. I don't. I enjoy the game, and it is a huge part of the ministry I do with folks on campus. They do it, and I bring myself to "their level" to meet with them...I'm sorry that some people feel the way they do... thats really not my issue. People could be doing a lot worse than playing a video game... I've experienced them doing a lot worse.I have watched people with nothing to do turn to drugs (I've watched people participate in drugs) I watched them turn to alchohol and violence... But I have watched Halo turn people into "team players" and I have watched them take their anger and frustration out on a TV character instead of on eachother. For these certain people Halo can be a very good release. Its true that they can sit and play for many horus at a time... its how you get good... by practice. I am not very good, and I don't plan to be very good. I'm a girl so I'm invited regardless of my skills. But they are my ministry.. and they are my friends. You don't change people to fit your needs. You meet people where they are and bring them around with you by showing them the possibility of soemthing more. I love these boys. I love everything about them, even if they spend "hours and hours and hours" in front of an X-Box. Just like I still love other friends when they dissapoint me, lie to me, are unfaithful, turn away, etc.... Believe what you want about video games... believe what you'd like about my involvement with them and those who play. But until you ask me personally and see my heart for the lost in this situation you will never know.


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