Pray for me.
I think a good word to describe life right now would be "boring." Yes, sadly, I am bored. I live no adventure... no mystery. I feel simply blah. School is chugging away, with a totaly of 14 days before I leave for Vegas. I'm sad to go and because I hate goodbyes, I am half content to stay up in my room and not come out except for classes and finals, etc. Its hard because I have nothing to look forward to when I get home. No camp for me this summer... but I still have no plans for other things in my life. I want to work, and I'll attmept a job with my dad washing dishes or cleaning for 14 dollars an hour. But otherwise, all of my friends but Sarah will be up at camp. I do look forward to seeing Sarah, and hanging out with my parents. Its been a few years since I experienced a Las Vegas summer.... I'm not realy looking forward to that.
I hope all of this doesn't sound sad and hopeless, because that's not the way I feel either. I am looking forward to what God will do in my life and how He will change me... I'm just passing through a place that sucks right now. I promise that if you give me... 2-3 weeks I will be completely back to normal... or as normal as I can get. There are a lot of people who are praying for me. I was under the impression for a long while that if other Christians knew what I'd been doing they would hate me, judge me, and look down on me. So I never said a word... it came out very slowly and only to a very selected few. Even now, I don't think anyone knows to 100% what I've been going through but I've talked to a lot of people in Cru and they have all helped. I'm excited because I feel that has strengthed our friendships and also my trust in other believers. No one has turned me away yet... because that's just not what Christians do.. It was just another lie a top 10-25 other lies I allowed into my life. So I may have said before that I feel I'm in an in between place... but this is more in between than anywhere else. This is me sitting and waiting and trying to trust in what I'd been doubting over the past 2 months.
You want to pray for me? Pray strength. Strength that I will hold to the will of God and that I will trust Him as I wait. Pray for the people involved in all of my decision making that they will see Christ through my actions and be drawn closer to Him in response. Pray for a spirirt of understanding and acceptance in all those involved, including myself. Pray that all of these things will turn no one away. This is my pray: That people would see the love I have in Christ, to give up all I have achieved and desire to follow Him because of it. Please, if you pray, do pray for me.
Of course I will, love. I have been, and will continue to do so. Sorry I haven't written/gotten to talk to you in a while. My computer crashed at the most INOPPURTUNE time EVER, so whenever I do have access to a computer it's to finish one of the thousand papers I have due.
I'm excited to see you soon. I'll be home one week from this Saturday night/Sunday morning. This summer will be wonderful, don't you worry.
Can't wait to see you.
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