I am fearful, hear me cluck.
Last year on Common Fire we had coyotes running around outside out house at night, making all kinds of frightful noises. They scared me. They really did. I always thought that the coyotes were going to eat someone, even though I was assured this would not happen. It still scared me. It still does, actually... the memory of them waking me at night and me shaking alone in my bed as I would sit up and watch them run in the yard below. Coyotes, wolves and large dogs are often what my nightmares consist of. It's slightly pathetic, even sad... I know.
I am also afraid of monkeys. Also rather sad and pathetic. Did anyone hear the story a few months back about a monkey gone crazy at a zoo and attack this man and ate off his nose and thumb... the thought alone of a monkey near me makes me want to curl up in a ball on the purple rug and cry. Monkeys also frequent my nghtmares... what can I do?
I have a fear of deep water... no, more like just drowning in general. I liked to swim as a kid, but I was never very good. Last summer I enjoyed swimming across the lake with Andrea... but I'd usually get half way across, and start to get a little tired and I'd start breathing in quick gasps of air, like hyperventualting... More afraid that all of a sudden my body would just say, "nope, I'm done swimming" and I would sink 20 feet to the bottom and die, and no one would ever know. Terrible.... I am all too aware.
God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.
2 Tim. 1:7
You know how to keep a spirit of fear away?
You take authority over it in the Name of Jesus. And....
You continue to have fellowship with the whole Godhead.
We get power from the Holy Spirit.
We get love, (the love that cast out all fear 1 John 4:18) from the Father.
We get a sound mind from Jesus who is the Word, which renews your mind.
We can't let fear control our lives!
- Holy Ghost Soldier
God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.
2 Tim. 1:7
You know how to keep a spirit of fear away?
You take authority over it in the Name of Jesus. And....
You continue to have fellowship with the whole Godhead.
We get power from the Holy Spirit.
We get love, (the love that cast out all fear 1 John 4:18) from the Father.
We get a sound mind from Jesus who is the Word, which renews your mind.
We can't let fear control our lives!
- Holy Ghost Soldier
God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.
2 Tim. 1:7
You know how to keep a spirit of fear away?
You take authority over it in the Name of Jesus. And....
You continue to have fellowship with the whole Godhead.
We get power from the Holy Spirit.
We get love, (the love that cast out all fear 1 John 4:18) from the Father.
We get a sound mind from Jesus who is the Word, which renews your mind.
We can't let fear control our lives!
- Holy Ghost Soldier
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