"Happy Birthday, Steph Garver!"
Today, I turned twenty. Many people asked me if I felt any different. I don't really. Its rather crazy to think that I have been alive for two whole decades... twenty years.... What's more unfortunate is that basically, I don't remmeber the first 12 or 13 years... honestly, I can't remember what I had for lunch today, so it's not easy for me to think back 7 or so years. Perhaps I have early signs of alzhiemers...?
Beyond my memory, I had a lovely day. Of course, I still had to go to class, even though several people encouraged me to ditch. (Shame on them.) I began productively by waking up early... actually, I was up until 2 am last night writing a paper... so, I got up about when Andrea woke up, so only 20 minutes or so before my alarm was supposed to go off. Then I started 3 loads of laundry... I had no clothes left. (Obviously, no one does laundry when all their clothes are clean.) Then I went to math and was basicially bored... we learned about the Richter Scale. (woohoo!) After ward, I went to English... where my communist English teacher talked about how she is a "Humanist" and we shouldn't write about or use religious arguments iin our papers... that would explain my low grade on my last paper... heh... it was a Pro-Christian/Anti-Communist paper... or as she put it, "Extremist Anti-Chinese Propaganda." I'll have to post it soon for all of my faithful readers out there. After that was lunch with Andrea Rea... always a good time.
Then I had to finish spell checking and print out my Mid-term essay for my English-Drama. That was an utterly boring class today, and looking out the window at the bright blue sky made it all the worse. It was thenicest today then it has been all year! The sky was bright blue and it nevr got too breezy... it was about 75 degrees, really... basically, it was the first day I was able to wear short sleeves... not quite ready to pull out the shorts because in Reno the weather changes too fast. After class, I hung out in the sun for about 45 minutes with Matthew. Then I came back to the room, just in the same time Flan did! So, we took a smoothie break in which she got a number 5 and I got a number 13 and we sat outside by the lake and watched the geese go crazy. When we got back to the room, I folded some clothes and picked up a bit... entertained some brithday-well-wishers... and at 5:30, Andrea and I headed down to the parkinglot.
From there I was "kidnapped" by Jamie and Eric who had originally planned to take me iceskating... (We'll be doing that Friday instead. Hooray!) But since the times were odd, we went over to the Hilton and ate at Johnny Rockets... where they sang to me, brought me iceream and tied balloons to my wrist. It was cute. But we never heard the song "Brown-eyed girl" over the speakers... even though I put money into the jut-box. Next time!! We wandered around for a while after that before goin over to Marble Slab and having icecream (again). It was a lovely and pleasant day/night. I'm rather exhausted, so I'm glad I am able to sleep in tomorrow.
A Big Thank You Shout-Out to All those who called throughout the day and left me happy messages and even more so to those who sang "Happy Birthday" into the phone. Amazing. Also a big thanks to those who just left me messages over IM or e-cards. Thanks to all!! You helped to make it a GrEaT day!
Hey Sis,
I would like to be the first to leave a Comment on this post saying Happy B-Day. I know that I am late but that is me. I hope that you all have a great success on your Mission Trip to S. Cal!! Talk to you soon.
Your Bro
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