Either Side of the River

"On either side of the river lie, long rows of barley and of rye, that clothe the world and meet the sky, and through the field the road run by to many towered Camelot...." - Lord Alfred Tennyson's, The Lady of Shalott.

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Location: Reno, Nevada, United States

Monday, January 24, 2005

A change in my life...

Its time for me to make a few changes in my life... I realize that originally it was a few "changes" that now cause me to have some changes back...

It was a lot easier to go backwards than to move forwards. But this is what I asked for. When I asked God to show me a particular aspect of his children and their walk He gave it to me in full... I asked and originally I saw it as a blessing, which I still hold it to be. But also, I now see it as another step out of the comfort zone and into faith... everything keeps leading to more trust.

In any case, there are some relationships that now need to be cut off. I am okay with that. In truth, I welcome this cut off... but the step after the initial cut off will be the most trying one.

Where will I go from there?

I don't know, but I do trust God's faithfulness and I have full confidence in Him durring this time of frustration and perhaps even tribulation... who knows? But I am undaunted in this step of my ultimate blessing... for I know that Christ has over come the world... He has deprived it of its power to harm me and has conqured it for me... and I am more than a conqurer through His love and grace.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like God is on your side, or you are on his side, either way that is always the best place to be. Anyhow just saying hi and for some reason I still wonder how you are doing sometimes. I still think of you as a friend, 4 years of telling you how my life was going tends to do that to me. Please pray for me as I don't know when the next time will be that I can be on a computer with internet. (remember) peace, love, joy, god, power, faith, happyness, be with you

~John Freeman~

1:47 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Beautiful Girl,

I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you and missing you today. I'd love to talk with you some time and catch up-I feel like it's been forever since I last saw you. Maybe it has been, who knows?! :) Anyway, I was thinking about you, and wanted you to know.


PS. You're a very strong woman, and I'm very proud of you.

P.P.S. I'm gonna be home the second week of March. Might you be, too?

9:44 a.m.  

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