Either Side of the River

"On either side of the river lie, long rows of barley and of rye, that clothe the world and meet the sky, and through the field the road run by to many towered Camelot...." - Lord Alfred Tennyson's, The Lady of Shalott.

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Location: Reno, Nevada, United States

Friday, December 24, 2004

To: My Little Flan

Dear Flanny,
I miss you. It's kind of lonely living in a room all by myself now... in fact, having moved back home for a month, I really ever hang out in my room unless I'm going to sleep or playing on the computer. I've been hanging out with as many of my youth one-on-one as planned, and boy do I have stroes for you about how crazy my church is. Tammi was only in town for about 2 days before she left and so I find myself generally bored... and its usually not until about 6 or 7 that people start calling me to ask if I want to do something with them. Maybe the reason I'm a night person is because all my friends here are! Flanny, you'll be glad to know that I've been eating a lot... Perhaps I don't need you to tell me when its time to eat, but I guess I need a mom. :) I've actually been cooking for my parents more than they have for me... its true, I don't usually like to cook, but after living at camp (even though I didn't work in the kitchen) I have a confidence with cooking that Inever had before.... but I'm leaving baking alone... I leave that to you and I hope you've baked lots of bread! Oh, and I only messed up one thing in the kitchen so far! Its was my latest dinner! Oh yes, I made stackie-ups (Thanks to Julie Oldroyd for the Receipe!) I had almost everything made and it was down to those last few minutes and then I pulled a Proverbs 31 crazy woman... Yea, its true. (and all the girls in Bible study laughed when they read it, and now I've lived it.) No, I didn't mix up the sugar and salt but when I was seasoning the chicken I was pouring seasoning like a mad woman because needed to go attend to my rice and I grab the red pepper and went to shake out a bit and nearly the entire shaker ended up on my chicken... as you know, my family and I love spicy stuff... but I was pretty sure this was going over board. So, as quick as I could, I rushed to the sink and rinsed it all off... you would be proud to know I saved the chicken... and that both parents were impressed with their first stackie-upie experience. (haha.. if Bink ever read that, I'm pretty sure he'd regret offering me a job in the Calvin Crest kitchen.) hey, everyone who has heard our semester CD wants copies of it.. too bad, I don't burn CDs... I had the privialge of driving some of the youth around for a preogressive dinner and I had a good laugh when they expressed a greater appriciation for the Devil is a Liar song than any other... after they heard that one, it remained on repeat the entire night... and whenever we stopped at lights (which happened a lot) it was full blast and my car was full of a bunch of little white girls in church clothes bouncing around to rap... I'lla dmit, it was a very memorable night. Hey, you know how I have a complete memory block on some people and events and things? I'm starting to think it's not just with certain people but with a lot of things... I know Juana has the best memory ever but she remembers detail I don't even recall when she'd telling me about it. I don't remember so much from Common Fire, its crazy! Although there is stuff I wish I did not remember and do... such is life! Last night I heard an interesting message on marriage at my parents church... its so nice sitting in church between both of my praents and praising Jesus. Hey, has it snowed since I've been gone!? Well, I guess that's it for now, as I said I love you and miss you Flan! Be good and we need to talk soon!
With Love in Christ,
PS. By the looks of things, you have deffinately spiked way WAY up on the charts as far as our "friendly competition/research project" is going... In fact I'd even venture to say you won all thogether and close the charts but then it'd be just my luck and there'd be some kind of activity from my end..... I wonder how our plants are doing?


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