Either Side of the River

"On either side of the river lie, long rows of barley and of rye, that clothe the world and meet the sky, and through the field the road run by to many towered Camelot...." - Lord Alfred Tennyson's, The Lady of Shalott.

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Location: Reno, Nevada, United States

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Things to be Thankful over.

For Christmas, one of the kids from my church gave me a book entitled, "101 Ways to Enjoy God." It's a fairly simple book... a quick read, really... and though I find the basics of Christianity on the "simple" side. I also recognize that God is often found in those simplistic details. So I figured, 'what the hey!' The first chapter, which is really just a quarter of a page is titled, "#1 Cultivating a Thankful Heart."

Basically it states that we tend to focus more on what we want and what we don't have that we tend to miss the blessings God is bestowing on us... which is true. It then gives the verse from Psalm 35:28, "I will tell everyone on Your justice and goodness and I will praise You all day long." and finally it suggests that its readers make a list of 25 things they are thankful for. So, I once again figured 'what the hey!' but decided it complicate it for myself a bit.

Instead of being thankful for things that will pass away (although, in truth, all things pass away) like being thankful for a brand new pair of shoes that were on sale at the mall and oh-my-gosh a matching purse... I wanted to list things that were ruely God-given gifts... not that everything in our life isn't a God-given gift in some form... but I trust you'll catch on.

I am Thankful.....

1. For my Mom and Dad... a lot of people don't have them... and I was blessed enough that they've almost been married 25 years and are still going strong. Not to mention that I can't remember a single time they were not supportive in every way possible.

2. I have a house. In esence, I have two houses. I have my parents house and I have a dorm room in Reno. There are people living on the streets and I have a home wherever I go.

3. I am healthy. I have the occasional cold and allergies, but I am healthy. I am physically able to do anything I put my mind to, I have no disabilities that can not be corrected quickly.

4. Jesus is faithfully involved in my life, even when I don't realize it... and most importantly, even when I am not faithful to Him.

5. I have clothes. They're not the most stylish or popular (which is my personal choice) but I have enough clothes to last about a month... there are people that have only the clothes they're wearing, or less.

6. I have fresh running water within 5-20 feet of me at any given moment in my house. I don't even need to mention that I have the option of hot or cold running water... nor that I have the option to drink it or bathe.

7. Jesus is always answering my prayers, even when I'm not voicing them because He knows the desires of my heart that I don't even know.

8. I have never had to worry about money. I have change in my draws and money in the bank more than some people will have in an entire life time.

9. I have a queen sized bed all to myself... I also have my own bathroom... some people sleep on the cement and have never seen a bathroom.

10. I have more friends than I will ever know or be able to count.

11. I have a pair of shoes. Shoot, I have 8 or 9 pairs of shoes... there are people who have none.

12. My house has heat and air conditioning.

13. I have a car. My family owns three and I was blessed enough to have a car before I could even drive it alone.

14. I have more than one Bible. I think I have like 10 different Bible translations and yet there are people in the world who are killed if they have even a page of the Bible in their possession.

15. I do not have to work. The only jobs I had is because I have choosen to have them, for "extra" spending money.

16. I have an education. I have a continuing education and I am able to go to college even though I am a girl and I have a scholarship to school.

17. I can freely worship God anywhere and anytime I choose and in any form that I like. People around the world are continuing to be martyred for their faith in Jesus. I am never in danger when I enter a church or carry a Bible.

18. I never have to worry about food. If I wanted to, I could eat three solid meals a day and snack in between everyday. I can also eat out at restraunts.

19. I can read nd write. Many people can't do either.

20. I have excess of every single thing in my possession from books to soap to food and money.

21. I am able to travel alone and I can freely travel anywhere I choose to go (money and passport taken into account, but the point is I have the option.)

22. I have a computer and a cellular telephone and a television with hundreds of chanels.

23. I have had more opportunities and wasted them in almost 20 years than many people will ever get the chance to make a decision on in their entire life time.

24. I have experienced pain. Yes, I am thankful for that because I have grown more after pain than I have at any other point in my life.

25. I know what it feels like to be loved everyday of my life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow! You ARE blessed and are alert enough to be thankful for your blessings.

7:38 a.m.  

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