"I do."
I realized something today... not that I didn't know it before, but it all suddenly came together today. I was sitting in Theatre class and at first I was looking at the pictures in the book from the chapter that I had not read, vaguely listening to my teacher talk about set design and scenery... but mostly, I was praying. Yep, its true... I pray in school. Anyway, I was praying and kind of looking around at all the people in my class wondering if they knew Jesus. And I was thinking about the plan He had for their lives, wondering if they even knew that God was working in their lives. After all, even if they didn't want His hand moving in their lives, He was still moving. (That's another thing I like about Jesus. He always knows whats best for us, even when we think we know it all.) Well, then God told me that all of those students were someone's future wife or husband. And my first response was, "Woah!" Of course then a moment later, I was like, "Yes, God, you are right... that makes sense..." Then God started telling me stuff about relationships in general... If you will, let's think about this together. If all of God's children (ie: the world) are our brothers and sisters, and only on the day we say "I do" are we anything more than brother and sister (and only with that one other person), then should we not be treating all of God's children (ie: the world) like brothers and sister. Now, from here I have a slight problem. You see, I don't have brothers or sisters, so I don't know how to treat someone as such. So, I went to someone who would know. Andrea! I asked my little Flan quite bluntly if she had ever made-out with one of her brothers. Her response was the most horrified look I'd ever seen. I took that as a "no." Then I asked her if she ever holds hands with her brothers. At this point I'm sure she thought I was a nut. But it was research that had to be done, for all of us who are the only-children in our families. Now, why on earth would we want to watch some woman dance around half-naked at a bachelor's party or a man strip at a club? (Please note that looking at porn does apply here too). Those people are our brothers and sister. I have to use my imaginiation here, but I think if I did have brother and sisters that I would not want to watch them dance naked, strip or pose for porn. These people are someone's child, someones sibling, someone's grandchild.. and someone's future spouse... possibly even someone's spouse right now. Let's put it this way. Would you want someone touching your wife? Would you want someone flirting with you husband? For those of you who know me, you would also know that I'm not married, but assuming that I was, I think I would be angry, jealous and hurt if someone was flirting with or touching my husband(its not really the best way to show your respect and support that couple). So, assuming that you agree with me, let me ask you this: Why do we do this sort of thing to other people? Those people we flirt with, lead on, ect. are someone's wife or husband. We live in a sick world, that doesn't care how other people are hurt but only how they can satisfy their own desires for a moment before moving on. As Christians we are called to uplift the body, not to tear it down. We are called to heal, not to make sick. We are called to help, not push aside. How can we understand how to love someone who is not perfect if we can't even begin to understand a LOVE that is perfect?
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