Either Side of the River

"On either side of the river lie, long rows of barley and of rye, that clothe the world and meet the sky, and through the field the road run by to many towered Camelot...." - Lord Alfred Tennyson's, The Lady of Shalott.

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Location: Reno, Nevada, United States

Friday, October 22, 2004

I have a concern.

We must not give satan a foot hold in our lives. He has no place in the lives of Christians. I have friends, friends I always considered to be good strong Christians, but now the only talk out of their mouth is the devil's lies. Please be rooted in God's word and seeking Him daily. The devil tries to spread his lies through believers in this way. The words my friend speaks still sound okay at first, he uses scripture and talks about all the amazing things God is doing in him. But satan knows scripture too, if he used it against Jesus in the desert why on earth, would he not be using it against us? Its the same way he can use our prayers to God against us, though he has no right to them. We are children of God, and the devil knows who we are, but its very important that we know who we are in Christ. We are God's choosen people. We are set aside to do His will. We are God's children and heirs with Christ. Do you know this stuff? This needs to be written on your heart. (I will gladly give you specific verses if you'd like.)

God desires a personal relationship with us. It is through the blood of Jesus that this relationship is made possible. I am all too aware of how hard it is to keep 100% focused on our Lord and savior all the time. I have to sit through classes and do homework and deal with the world, just as we all do. But it is not an excuse. God has set us apart. We are aliens and strangers in this world that we temporarily live in. We have to be focused on Christ. Again, I will say, I know that it is not easy. I deal with it everyday. But just because I step into a class room does not mean that God waits outside the door for me when the hour is over. Just because I go into an office, for a meeting, does not mean that I leave God waiting in the car. Just because I go hang out with my friends does not mean that I leave God back in my room. We can not leave God anywhere. As Christians He lives inside us. Its like ignoring hunger. If you go without food for long enough you grow immune to the raw pain... but the pain is still there none the less, we just learn to ignore it. Do NOT ignore God. Do NOT let satan slip into your life. You better have every window and door shut and locked to him and you better be prepared to fight him when he starts to break in. He has no right to your or your life and God has given you total authority over the devil.

You have Victory in Christ Jesus. Do you realize this!?

Everything you read. Everything you watch. Everything you hear and see. You better be backing it up with scripture and guarding yourself. The devil slips in when you're least prepared and least attentive. Every person you meet. Every class you attend. Every road sign you pass. You better be asking God what His will for your life is and not responding with your flesh. Do not give the devil a foot hold in your life. Be constantly on guard. I heard it once say that the weakest times of your life, when satan is most likely to attack are when you are tired, hungry, bored and/or too busy. You need to rest in the Lord, eat of His word every day, occupy yourself in dilligent prayer and be making time for Him. We should be in constant prayer (not only because there are too many things to be praying about but also because we must be n guard against the enemy.) Pay attention. Be attentive. If something doesn't sit right with you (in any form, whether a conversation, reading material, movie, TV, ect..) you need to be paying attention to what God is saying. He is speaking to you all the time. Please be listening and be ready and perpared to fight. This is your very life we talk about. Do not let your life be mixed with lies... one lie spreads like disease and will multiply and affect everything and everyone you come in contact with. Hate what is evil, cling to what is good.

"You are not a God who takes pleasure in evil; with You the wicked can not dwell." - Psalm 5:4 (NIV)
"So, be subject to God, resist the devil (stand firm against him), and he will flee from you." - James 4:7 (AMP)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steph Garver,

You have turned into an amazing woman, a woman I really and truly respect. I can tell that last year was such a good thing for you. You're a completely different person than the one that graduated last June, but still the same loving, caring, and compassionte girl. Thank you for the support and love you've always offered me. I am so grateful for the friend God has given me in you. A friend and a fellow Christian. One I've always had, but not one I always looked to for guidance, maybe because I was afraid. But I know that you're there, and you will always be there.

I love you,

10:45 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AMEN! What you say is TRUTH! Evil is engrained in our society, so much so, that unless we are consciencely putting Jesus first in our lives, we don't even realize the evil exists. It has become a natural, occurence; a normal "feeling" (very sad) which we must work to halt! God Bless you as you minister to other people through your every day actions, little angel.

7:16 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, i have no idea if you'll remember me or not..but i thought i'd comment anyway..I met you a couple years ago at Calvin Crest..we hung out the whole week..i went up there with my sister..This is Danielle from Fresno, ring any bells? heh..Anyway, that was a really neat post..Hope all is well..
God Bless!

12:14 p.m.  

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