Either Side of the River

"On either side of the river lie, long rows of barley and of rye, that clothe the world and meet the sky, and through the field the road run by to many towered Camelot...." - Lord Alfred Tennyson's, The Lady of Shalott.

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Location: Reno, Nevada, United States

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Yes, friends! Its that time again!! Another fact of life direct from me to you! This one mayin fact, be the most important thing you ever learn... be sure to take heed and follow these instructions carefully....

Tonight I sat at my computer. Doing a bit of evening IM chatting and attempting some math homework (my teacher is a crazy nut, but that's another story all together) when Flan gets out of her chair and says, "Well, lets give it a try." I glanced up and went back to my dilligent studies thinking nothing of it until about 7 seconds later when I hear, "Uh-oh!" and I look up into the window's reflection to see Flan behind me pull soemthing from the microwave... "Oh gosh it smells like firework!" "What'd you do?" "Pencil!" she squeaked through laughter, "it smells!" she walked over to me and approximately 3 seconds later I said "Oh! ick!! Burned rubber!!!" We quickly closed the door to the hall (like we want people everywhere to know we put a pencil in the microwave!) Then we flung open the window... then I tied a bandana around my nose and mouth... then we turned on the small fan in the bathroom... then we turned on the AC (so now my allergies will be upset again too... not to mention cold... brr!) 15 minutes later our room continues to smell of burnt rubber.

Word of advice: Never put a pencil in the microwave.
Note to self: Never let Flan near the microwave again.

Gosh I wish I had a Bible verse for this one! How about...."Then you shall take them [different types of bread] from their hands, add them to the burnt offering, and burn them on the altar for a sweet and satisfying fragrance before the Lord; it is an offering made by fire to the Lord." - Exodus 29:25 (AMP)


Blogger Ben P said...

I heard that putting a dented ping pong ball in the microwave would make it pop back into shape, so I tried it in the kitchen at camp during lunch one day.

Sparks flew everywhere and set a little piece of food on fire. Deb Roope came by, saw the fire, and flipped. When I explained my actions, she let me have it.

Never play with microwaves...

–ben p

12:49 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you have to BUY your own appliances, with your own hard earned $$$, the magnetism of experimenting with microwaves suddenly dissappears!

7:47 a.m.  
Blogger Ryan said...

You are really making this pencil in the microwave thing sound bad. I was the one who told andrea to do it and i had previousely done it with my very own microwave and it made the biggest spark i have ever seen. I thought i should let all of you also know that other than possibly lighting something on fire the microwave in not being harmed. It just so happens that the energy from the microwave is just enough to make the electrons in metal to jump up an orbital and when they come back to their ground state they release energy which is a spark. I'm sorry your room smelt though. Mine did too, but i think i got used to it and just fell asleep. It is a very nice post that you have. Oh yeah, we discovered another thing that is nice too. If you put a book in the microwave for a few minutes it gets warm and it stays warm for a long time. So if you are going out int the cold just pop a book in the microwave for a minute and take the book with you. Ok well, that is all for now. Have a nice day, Ryan

12:57 p.m.  
Blogger josh said...

let the sweet smell of eraser be a sweet fragrance of diligent study offering to God. LOL. it made my night

10:15 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Steph Garver, you're a silly character. Be careful with those microwaves! Last year a boy tried to heat up a piece of pizza on a frisbee. Needless to say, he was not a very popular boy when the fire alarm went off in the middle of the night!

Love you very much,

PS. Your mommy wrote me the other day! She's such a great lady!

8:28 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello, I am french student,and I live in France, I am too christian, sorry I d'ont speak very well english, but your blog is very interresting and very well done.with your blog, I can to progress in my English.thanks you
god bless you

5:45 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too burnt rubber bands in my room it made the whole house stink too. Oh yea, don't shoot a sling shot in the house even if you think it is safe. The object I shot bounced off the object I hit and broke an over head lamp. Then there is time I made napalm. Its basicly deturgent and gasoline and it sticks to everything.


5:56 p.m.  

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