We need to pray.
I don 't care how tired you are. If you pray things will get better. You can't depend on other people all the time. Don't take the chance that your friends, family, pastor and whoever else haven't prayed enough. You know what you need more than anyone else. Even if you tell someone exactly what you're going through, they will only begin to understand. Other prayers are powerful and help, but you need to help yourself. Be honest with me, please... are you praying? Are you listening? Are you reading the Bible? The word is our sword. (Right now, I feel like I'm carrying around a plastic butter knife... not going to do a lot of fighting in the spiritual realm.) This goes for all of us... we need to be encouraging eachother. We need to be praying for eachother. I know we're all far away but we need to be praying for eachother. We need to be seeking God with all our hearts. It will seem hard and fruitless at first but God is listening to the voices of His people... We won't always be able to do this, friends... we need to and must do it while we can. Wednesday night from 9:00-10:00 I will be praying. Please, if you are free set aside that hour to pray with me. (If you're working, pray for the hour after you get off...or if Wednesday night is just not good, sometime in the day is fine... or whatever day really... as long as you sit and pray for an hour this week.) Go somewhere quiet where you won't be inturupted. Go somewhere where you won't be distracted or tempted to sleep. Write your prayers out if they help (that helps me) write out questions and let your mind wonder with the Spirit's leading. We need to be prayer warriors. God has really been laying this on my heart and I urge everyone to seek Him more. Don't settle for less... don't be complacent. I wish I could express the urgancy I feel about this...(Don't worry, I won't be checking up on you or anything... I trust you) Let's just do it a few times and see what happens, okay?
Either Side of the River
"On either side of the river lie, long rows of barley and of rye, that clothe the world and meet the sky, and through the field the road run by to many towered Camelot...." - Lord Alfred Tennyson's, The Lady of Shalott.
Hi, I know i don't pray nearly as much as a could and defiently should. This week i do want to set aside a sold hour to seek God. I have so much time and i need to use it to glorify God. I hope you are doing well. Ryan
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