Either Side of the River

"On either side of the river lie, long rows of barley and of rye, that clothe the world and meet the sky, and through the field the road run by to many towered Camelot...." - Lord Alfred Tennyson's, The Lady of Shalott.

My Photo
Location: Reno, Nevada, United States

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

I'm in Reno now, for those of you who were curious. Yes, I made it here safely! Yay! And only really got horribly lost once in Sacramento. It's those crazy one-way streets. Why would anyone ever do such a thing? Anyway, here I am safe and sound and Andrea's house. Tomorrow we'll move into the dorms... I'll have to get a PO box, parking permit, books... unpack... and probably a lot more. This is so different than this past year... very different. Almost frightening, it feels like this is onl a vacation and I'll be going back in a week or so... reality still hasn't hit yet. But I'm realizing how kind people can be and how truely God has been blessing me! Especially in this time of change, God has sent people in my life to comfort me and help move me along. Paul's family (extended family included) as well as Jonathan, David and Andrea's family have all taken me in, accepted me and provided for me with kindness, encouragement and cheerful servant hearts. Lord, bless them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am extremely proud of the personal and spiritual progress and growth you made over the last year. God has indeed blessed you and He will continue to do so as you walk so close to Him. UNR will be a "different" life-learning situation and will put your faith to the test! It will be difficult for you to study subjects you really aren't interested in, but you'll succeed as you still study the bible and share your knowledge while gaining more. God Bless you and Andrea as you share your dorm room and I hope you will have time to start a "Women's Ministry" at UNR. Love & Blessings,

10:48 a.m.  
Blogger Kerry said...

Hey Sis,

I am glad to hear that you made it safe to UNR. I know that God has some great plans for you this year. Take to heart what Mom said and I will talk to you soon. I still want to talk to Paul and get to know him. Hope to talk to you soon and check out my blog to see what all has been going on with me. By the way, I do need to talk to you.

Your Brother

9:31 p.m.  

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