Last night was fun! Amanda, Andrew, Phillip and I headed down to Fresno, all dressed up pretty and met Kari and Eric for dinner... we had amazing Japanese food... YUM! then we all just hung out... it was good times for sure... I'd do it again! It really was a nice evening. I didn't get to sleep in much today, the wrk group finished painting the Ranch Hosue today... unfortunately, they painted on my days off so I never really got to sleep in... Oh wellie!
So Phillip and I went to the bike race today... it was really fun. We didn't really see too many bikes though. It was on a trail called: 007. Its a down hill race (look at me, I'm learning about bikes!) But its this long downhill trail So all the racers get shuttled up because it would wear them out if they rode up then had to ride a race. It was probably like 8 or 9 miles walk up. (Not sure exactly, I'll check with Phillip and see what he thought.) So a good long walk up in the hot sun. But it was fun we chatted and stuff... and like I said, didn't see too many bikes. At one point we were watching a section of the race about 100 feet or so, where the road crossed the track and this car comes driving up, of course normally they wait to check and see if the way is clear... Phillip is standing in the road and he holds up his hand for them to stop (I'm sitting on a rock in the shade watching all of this) and the car doesn't slow down very much.. so Phillip starts to get out of the way and the car "bumps" into him... they just didn't ever stop completely. WAIT!Phillip's not hurt at all! That sounded bad.... more like it pushed him a bit or bumped him more than it ran into him. He had the greatest look on his face, its true... really funny afterwards, we laughed a lot about it... Then on the way down we decided to hitch hike. Two guys stopped for us they weren't super friendly and started driving while I wasn't all the way in the truck yet... so they were ghetto... anyway, my legs hurt and I'm super tired now... I put on sunscreen (See, Mom, I am a good kid!) though, so I'm hardly burned. anyway, it was just a fun afternoon.
I like bike races! :)
Either Side of the River
"On either side of the river lie, long rows of barley and of rye, that clothe the world and meet the sky, and through the field the road run by to many towered Camelot...." - Lord Alfred Tennyson's, The Lady of Shalott.
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