My weekend was not very eventful and in truth, I'd rather not talk about it. Although I will say that I had a wonderful Friday evening with Jancie! We went out to dinner and then we went to Gottschalks and Janice (yes Janice) and I went clothes shopping. I bought two pairs of boys shorts... mainly because the girls shorts like to show way more leg than I'm comfortable with and far too much butt than I'm sure anyone else would like to see. That's enough said about that... perhaps even too much said!
I'd rather not go too deep, or even into any kind of depth, with how I'm feeling lately. It does not have to do with anyone on Common Fire and it doesn't have to do with work... which I have begun to find myself more content with than I could have imagined myself earlier... It has to do with spiritual things. If you came to Common Fire right now and asked anyone about me, I'm sure they'd say that I have lately been stricken with fits of tears which no one but a select few know the details. I don't expect the tears to stop any time soon and nor, in honesty, do I want them to. If the tears stop so does the sensitivity to the matter at hand. My two confidants tell me this is moving me forward in my walk with Christ, not moving me back as I do feel I am going. Forward. Just plugging away, slowly but surely. I can tell you this however, I have been praying for this very thing to begin... started praying about this only a week ago and God has already begun to answer my questions and bring things into the light. He has begun to open my heart to truth and to close my ears off to the lies and the hate and the anger that is, at this moment, eating away at my spirit. My search of truth and my search for something REAL has begun.
Please pray for me.
Either Side of the River
"On either side of the river lie, long rows of barley and of rye, that clothe the world and meet the sky, and through the field the road run by to many towered Camelot...." - Lord Alfred Tennyson's, The Lady of Shalott.
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