Monday night we had the most amazing barbeque in our yard. Sean and julie made it, of course. Chicken like no chicken I've ever tasted... fresh barbequed aspargus, barbequed whole red bell peppers.... corn bread in skillets... fish... little red potates... a perfect cleanr stary night set up picnice style against the sun set with little tealight candles everywhere... it was right out of Home and Garden's.. amazing food and delicious company... wait, I think I meant that in reverse. :) Then we sat inside after star gazing and played cards.. it was a wonderful evening. I got to talk to Jeremy, Sarah and Phillip later on that evening.. fun fun fun!
As for my birthday, I'm sure that all you well-wishers are just dying to know what Steph Garver did for her birthday! "What did she do?" "Did she get a cake?" "Did she have to go into work?" Calm down friends, calm down... I'll get to everything! Let's start with the fact that I got to sleep in, which was nice. I had to force myself to keep sleeping in and then went to take a shwoer.. and friends this is possibly the best thing you will read on any blog today! I shaved my legs!!! (Of course you must also understand that I had not shaved since Christmas.) But yes, I have shaved my legs... mainly because on Monday night Phillip discovered that he could pull my leg hair... and so I shaved to prevent that from ever happening again. And because its almost summer... YAY! After showering and shaving, I then played outside with Phillip. He hung out on the porch and I hung out on the little fence above the hobbit hole, talktalktalk. Then we went and sat in the hammock and played around until about 11:30, when he went to finish his rocket... which he named, "Maybe." We shot off Maybe at 12:30 in the afternoon out on the green.... Maybe did not go up more than a few inches however before promptly tunring into a pipe bomb and exploding. Pieces of Maybe covered the green and quite honestly, we were all very lucky we didn't get hit with the slying pieces... because they covered the green when we later went to pick up all the loose pieces. He was a little down after that and also coming down with a head cold, so we went back to the hammock and slept in the sunshine after having a little picnic-type lunch. About an hour later the wind had picked up and we moved inside.. since all day we'd been running around in short sleeves, with our pants rolled up and barefoot! Bare foot in the sun, amazing, friends.. amazing! Being from Las Vegas, I sure do miss the warm sunshine and the soft warm breeze... Anyway, I ended up quite sunburned.. even though Phillip and others were in the sun as much as I was I got all types of tan lines... white on one side a pretty shade of pink on the other. After moving inside, I tucked Phillip into the couch, as he was sick, put on some soft music and then headed over to the office where I found I'd been delivered flowers from my parents who love me! Yay flowers... happy bright ones with a big purple bow! When I got back, Phillip and I hung out some more before everyone who'd left this weekend got home! Yay! I missed them.
Ellie and Amanda brought me a crown to be a princess at which Briches said, "Don't encourage her!" (Thanks Ellie, Thanks Amanda!) Briches brought me a carmeld apple... that boy knows the way to my heart. (Thanks Brian!!) Several presents were left on my bed.. (thanks Julia! and whoever else, I love you too!) And my last and biggest thanks go to Janice and Leslie for the Damien Rice CD... (Oh, I wish my anme was Amy... Thanks Lelsie Mitchell! Thanks Jancie!) And many thanks to all you who sent cards, left voice mails, emails and text messages... Fred, Sarah, Tammi, Grandpa Jean, my parents.... Kari Maddox, Garver Grandparents, Crislip Grandparents, Javier, Eric and everyone else! Thanks I love you love you love you all!! :)
Either Side of the River
"On either side of the river lie, long rows of barley and of rye, that clothe the world and meet the sky, and through the field the road run by to many towered Camelot...." - Lord Alfred Tennyson's, The Lady of Shalott.
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