Last night, I was playing with Amanda.. she's a tough little fire ball, dont let her size fool you into 'nothing...we were wrestling around and playing and such and she ended up kneeing me in the face... my eye promptly started swelling... and well... if this doesn't earn me a black eye, I don't know what will!! CrAzY, huh? My eye itself is fine.. its the skin and area around my eyes that is painful.. to blink.. but its deffiantely not as swelled as last night. Though still a bit swollen.. its starting to bruise a little spot above my eye and below my eye is a red patch where blood vessels did something crazy. I do have a head ache.. and found is hard and awkward to sleep last night. But no bruise! I'm slightly worried about that...but Andrew said they're usually worse 2 days after... so, here's to waiting! YAY! As for me, I fell asleep with some Tylenol in me and woke up this morning, taking some more. I think people are really funny though... whenever you see a new mark on someone's face, for example the strange reddness under my eye... no one comments on it, "Say, how'd you get that mark below your eye?"... they make me laugh. Oh well! Maybe I'll have a black eye for my birthday!!! (March 9th, friends!) Cool, huh?
On a side note, my Mom sent me an email with this little story of hers included... I just thought I should share it with everyone: "I need to share an experience I had at church last weekend. At the 2nd service, two people, a man and an older lady came and sat in the very front pew. They were shabbily dressed and no one in the congregation was sitting very near. (you know how they all crowd the back) When it was time to "pass the peace", I marched right down (the man had gone) took the lady's hand and told her "welcome to our church - the peace of the Lord be with you" and tears welled up in her eyes. The ONLY other member of our congregation that came forward was Jan Hanby. (a sweet, white haired, small woman that ALWAYS asks about you - ever since Senior Sunday) I felt I was helping live out the words to "If we are the body" by Casting Crowns. When I snuck out a little early from the back of the choir loft, I saw the man outside the front doors of the church, so I went to him and said "Even if no one else tells you, I'm glad you're here today". He smiled sheepishly and thanked me. "Jesus paid much too high a price for us to pick and choose who should come and we are the body of Christ"."
Either Side of the River
"On either side of the river lie, long rows of barley and of rye, that clothe the world and meet the sky, and through the field the road run by to many towered Camelot...." - Lord Alfred Tennyson's, The Lady of Shalott.
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