Either Side of the River

"On either side of the river lie, long rows of barley and of rye, that clothe the world and meet the sky, and through the field the road run by to many towered Camelot...." - Lord Alfred Tennyson's, The Lady of Shalott.

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Location: Reno, Nevada, United States

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Joshua David is right! This is absolutely ridiculous! Benny said I had a "troll" leaving comments on my blog. It would seem that way... 34 comments, most of insincere craziness! No good at all.

Yesterday was a cloudy day on the mountain. in fact so cloudy that we were actually in a cloud! One could not see more than 20 feet around them when outside. Work yesterday started well, and ended horribly. So much horribly that I cried to Phillip, Amanda and Juana before climbing into an apple tree and sitting until it turned dark and I couldn't feel my feet anymore. But I was much cheered up by one of the EMTs, Zach. Janice and Juana said I was flirting and he was flirting back.. and I can't deny it if they say that's what happened... but it was one of those days when I needed attention from someone... just someone to sit and talk to... talk about anything. (and what was said about medical things was honestly of no particular interest to me.) It's amazing the healing one can get from a smile, a hug or a kind word. His half an hour of conversation, whether of interest of no, was "just what the doctor ordered." He showed me kindness that no one else had... and a compassion, although I'm sure he had no idea, that brightened my evening.

But regardless of how my day wnet, I was actually impressed, for the most part, how the community reached out to comfort. Phillip, as a typical boy, attempted to fix the situation, while Amanda, Juana and Janice offered what they knew would do the most good, a hug, a word of love and then gave me space. Community is hard... but it can be so very rewarding.


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