Either Side of the River

"On either side of the river lie, long rows of barley and of rye, that clothe the world and meet the sky, and through the field the road run by to many towered Camelot...." - Lord Alfred Tennyson's, The Lady of Shalott.

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Location: Reno, Nevada, United States

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Yesterday, Briches and I went to Fresno! Yay! We did some Christmas shopping and ate carmeled apples (yum!!) then we came back to the Ranch House, watched a strange movie (Seven) and ate potstickers. Then a bunch of us played Nertz... durring the card game, we suddenly heard scary noises coming from outside. I looked up asking what the scary noises were and was told that it was Coyotes. They were just right outside having a party and making creepy noises... some sounded like howling and others sounded like people screaming... So Jancie, being a silly girl that she is, decided it'd be cool to go out on the back porch and try to see the wild dogs. I tried to baracade the door with my body to keep anyone from going out... I pushed a few people from harms way.. but the weird people went outside anyway.. but no one was eaten, so life is good! Then about 12:25 in the morning I heard the coyotes again and I sat up trying to see them from the window.. I didn't see anything but Andrea says that she saw shapes and things.

This morning Janice, Andrea, Briches, Phillip and I worked in the store doing inventory... we got off work early and played in the snow... followed some bear tracks... followed soem coyote tracks... I went over to Deb Roope's house and talked to her for a while... its been fun! Tonight (very soon) we're going to go to eat dinner.. yay Chinese food! Then we're going to watch movies... Maybe have a Lord of the Rings marathon or White Christmas....

"I'll be home for Christmas... you can count on me... please have warmth and mistletoe and presents in the closets! Christmas Eve will find me, whether not I'm there... I'll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams!" See you soon, Las Vegas!!


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